Auto-Fiction with a Twist
Published in The Temz Review, this story deals with a part of my personal history but writing it from my father’s perspective. I grew up in a cult called The Worldwide Church of God, and we left as a family one day when I was 10 years old.
I wrote this story just before moving from Toronto back to Vancouver where I grew up. This was my attempt at trying to capture the stress of post-COVID inflation and the rental nightmare of everyday life, and the waves of endless stress that seem to self-organize every day, every year, more and more. It was published on cartre blanche.
A Grave with a View
First published in TAR magazine, this short story deals with a character who is split between two places in time. From the position of a young boy experiencing the death of his Métis grandmother and looking forward. And from the position of an older man coming to terms with his identity and looking back on the first seeds of that journey.
Freud to Frisco
This story deals with a bunch of young men traveling down to San Fransico with the hopes of experiencing the “history” of the city. The narrator starts becoming disillusioned along the way. It was published in the Emerge 18 anthology.