

Sad Droopy Love Poem

I’ve been working on this poetry manuscript for 6+ years and in 2024 I finally started publishing some of them. This is one about a relationship in the apocalypse.

Published on Dipityligmag

Ritual Orbits

These three poems are from the same collection that I mentioned over there <—-

Published on The Write Launch


Found Poem

From an interesting prompt provided by The Capilano Review to remix and recreate and redact, I put together this version of a section of the Canadian Charter of Rights and Freedoms.

Part Chart of and… pg 59


This poem is from a poetry collection I’ve been working on for years, and it’s changed many times. It may never be finished, but I hope one day it comes to full fruition.

Born August 2nd, 2018 at 11:40:00 p.m.


My First Poem

I published all my early work under a pseudonym. Why? I don’t know. It took me a while to realize that it was silly. But, believe me, Jonathan Marplot and I are the same person. I swear!

Lost and Harrowing. pg 32

Dead Websites

My second poem to be published was on a website that no longer exists. I would link you to This Great Society, but, it’s gone to the great internet in the sky.

The Land


These poems represent a period of attempting to break from the imprisonment of how a line of language forces the mind to think in a linear progression. Published in pulpMAG in 2015.

Palimpsest and Peony Tea.